Friday, August 31, 2012

Step back... :)

I belong to a family that loves a bit too much, at times expects a bit too much and gets hurt a bit too much... reminds me of all the fights and making-ups with cousins during summer vacations, unresolved conflicts and numerous other similar stories! :) It does, however, bring a smile to my lips... because actually none of this matters! And we waste precious time getting upset and showing our 'being upset'! A good thing would be to take 2 or 5 steps back, look at the whole thing objectively... I mean really objectively, till you stop feeling hurt and then review the whole situation as an outsider. What advice would you give to yourself, had you come as a third person to seek an honest opinion? It's surprising how sane we sound when giving advice, but when it happens to you, something hits the fan! LOL

Step back, step back... take a deep breath, smile and start picking up the pieces... and get used to this, coz this might happen time and again and giving up is not an option! See, sane advice as an outsider! Wonder if I can practice this as well! ;)

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Right or Wrong?

I don't agree...

Read a random message saying something like: "The worst thing I regret doing is not doing the wrong things, but doing right things for wrong people!"

A wrong done can never compare to a right deed, even if done for someone, who doesn't pay you back in kind. And no, it's not the attitude of a masochist. I believe that people who do social service or who do a good deed without expecting anything in return, are the most intelligent people in the world! Because peace of mind is the best thing that can be earned... don't believe? Make someone smile... and feel the warmth spreading in your heart... :) This secret can't be deciphered or decoded only by reading and shaking or nodding your head. This needs to be done practically to be believed. :)

All the best for your good deed!

Saturday, August 25, 2012

One World, One Religion?

The term 'world religion' is neither new  nor original, but it is one that has inspired quite a few souls that have gone through the torture of dealing with the rigidity of one set of beliefs that condemns another! And I'm inspired to write about what I have learnt in my life so far, as far as religions go. Growing up in India and my travels have led to a close interaction with almost all religions that exist in the world and we were taught early in life that all religions are but different paths leading to the same goal. That there exists one Supreme Power in this world that does not judge people by the path they have taken to reach their goal, but places importance on the fact that 'they have reached their destination'!

In Dr. Brian Weiss' book 'Many Masters, Many Lives' I came across another set of thoughts that has stayed with me since. In the book the characters went through several sessions where they learnt about their past lives and partners, but the one thing that caught my attention was the mention of there being 'Masters' aka great souls, who have, according to my interpretation, achieved Moksh or Nirvana. I liken these great souls to the religious leaders that the world has seen - people who inspired millions of others by their own exemplary lives.

I also believe that one can't attain self-actualization by merely following a Guru as mentioned in 'Siddhartha' by the acclaimed German writer Herman Hesse. One has to carve one's own path, go through agony and pain and opposition, be it from the outside world or an internal conflict.

So, to come back to the point, I believe that the great souls that once lived on this earth and left their indelible prints on the sands of time and in their followers' hearts, are the Masters, they all constitute the Supreme Power that all religions lead to. They all pointed towards the path to attain the highest spiritual level, but a lot of rituals and traditions were added on later by their subsequent followers, often leading away from the original path. Fanaticism comes under this category... Following one laid path rigidly, not caring if you hurt another human being in the process - either emotionally or physically - is not the path that the Masters indicated. The basic virtues of
  • helping others as much as you can, 
  • not causing hurt to any living being knowingly (and if you do, then the next tenet takes care of it! :) )
  • accepting your faults and working to rectifying them, 
  • forgiving and moving on,
  • avoiding rigidity or fanaticism of any kind,
  • respecting every human being and accepting that each of us has the potential to impart knowledge,
  • accepting that you are not a 'know-it-all' and being open to expanding your horizons,
  • keeping your promises, and
  • supporting just causes to the best of your ability...
are some of the tenets of my set of beliefs... I might not always be successful in adhering to them, but they guide me and inspire me to better myself.

I've also learnt through experience that the only person you can change is yourself, so I do not look to convince people to believe what I believe in. I sincerely hope that they will find their own 'right' way and not follow others blindly...

A simpler way would be to simply accept the beautiful tenets from each religion and create a 'World Religion' in the truest sense of the word! :) ... And yes, this must be one of the most difficult 'simple' things in the world!!! ;)

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Fight to the Finish!

Darkness pounced,
fangs shining,
ready for a prey.

Down I crouched,
short of whining,
thoughts astray.

Where is the candle,
the matchbox,
the light?

Anything, anyone,
who can
help me fight!

Help is not at hand,
said a voice,
it is within.

Look up, not down,
a must, not choice,
though the line's thin.

Face the demons,
what is fear?
Let it go.

A song in heart,
on lips a prayer,
yes, pronto.

Where are you,
dear shadows,
let me see

The blessed light
the cursed dark
belong to me.

Darkness slowed down,
fully stopped

Cleaned its glasses,
then flopped

Down to its knees once
then got up
wore a scowl

Grew angrier
stomped around
and cried 'foul'

Fair, I screamed
head up
and arms out

Am not afraid
you give up
and get out!

Das letzte Hemd hat keine Taschen!

There's a saying in German:
  Das letzte Hemd hat keine Taschen
Which essentially means that the last shirt has no pockets and that you'll leave this earth empty handed irrespective of how much wealth you have accumulated over the years... :)

Growing up I could see that my parents put more emphasis on helping out anyone and everyone rather than saving up for a rainy day and I resented that. Not the help that they gave (I respect and admire them for it), but the fact that they didn't plan on buying property and we kept on shuttling from one rented house to the other upset me till very recently.

After setting up home in a different city I thought of buying property myself... and thought and thought and thought about it. The options available didn't really encourage me to invest in the property market. Essentially, if you don't have enough to buy a property outright and need to take a loan, it translates into YEARS of loan repayment (keeping in mind the HIGH INTEREST RATES that DOUBLE the loan amount!!!) and ending up with something which you might not be happy with in the end.

Maybe it is the classic case of the grapes being sour... or maybe the realisation dawned on me that yes, das letzte Hemd hat keine Taschen! ... forget about a house fitting into any pocket anyway! LOL

So, instead of trying to earn big bucks and being hellbent on investing in the property market I'll keep on concentrating on enjoying what I do! :D

I do understand my parents finally! :) Thank you Mamma, Papaji, for being what you are! :)

No admission

I'd rather admit not
That I brought all my plans to naught
when I said: "I'd rather not!"
